Lantana camara Red (Lantana)


Lantana camara Red (Lantana) is a Variable, often prickly-stemmed shrubs with ovate, finely wrinkled, slightly toothed, deep green leaves, 5-10cm long. Flowerheads, 2.5-5cm across, in colours ranging from white to yellow and salmon-pink to red or purple, are borne from late spring to late autumn. Cream Carpet is low and speading, with creamy white flowers; Height 30cm, Spread 75cm. Fabiola bears bicoloured, salmon-pink and yellow flowers. Feston Rose has bicoloured, pink and yellow flowers. Goldmine or Mine d Or produces golden yellow flowers. Radiation bears bicoloured, orange and red flowers. Schloss Ortenburg bears bicoloured, brick-red and orange-yellow flowers. Snow White bears white flowers. Spreading Sunset produces orange-yellow flowers that take on reddish pink tints with age. f. varia, syn. L. aculeata f. varia, bears yellow flowers turning purple on the outside, orange inside.